Tuesday, 30 October 2012

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain:  10 lbs. up 4lbs in the past 4 weeks. Now weighing in at 130lbs (eek!) up from 120lbs to begin with.
Maternity clothes? No, just surviving on leggings, the belly band and cute belts.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I was sick this week but despite that, and the constant peeing, I am sleeping okay. Although still getting used to not sleeping on my back.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat again when we went for my check-up. It was SO loud and easy for the doctor to find this week which was really cool.
Miss anything? My bikini body? Just kidding!
Movement: Feeling some “fishy” movements here and there.
Food Cravings: Mandarin Oranges
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still not eating ground beef
Have you started to show yet? Yes I think I am officially showing now. I had a student ask me if I was pregnant this week. He was nervous I was going to say no! I should have said no just to be funny hahaha. Either way, I am embracing my belly now as I feel I now look pregnant and not just chunky!
Gender prediction: Still boy
Labor signs: No.
Belly button in or out? In. Going to have to take my belly button ring out at some point though!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or moody most of the time: I had my first weepy pregnancy moment this week when I realized how big my belly was! Hello hormones!! To my husband’s credit he was very understanding and is ALWAYS telling me how beautiful I look which is reassuring as I get bigger. I think I scared even myself though as I have never been the girl who thinks she looks fat in anything!
Looking forward to: Our next ultrasound and starting to pick out nursery things! I got a giant giraffe to match my giraffe lamp that I had as a baby. Both are just adorable!

I had the stomach flu this week. Let me just say…YUCK. It was horrible. No more horrible than having it when I was not pregnant but horrible nonetheless. After disinfecting everything I am hoping that hubby dearest does not catch it (see my blog post a while back on the man cold…could you imagine a full blown man-flu!?). Regardless, despite being tired and still no appetite I am on the mend thank goodness. This week we got to go to our monthly check up and everything seems to be going smoothly! Hearing baby’s heartbeat is always so reassuring not to mention pretty amazing as, despite the belly, I sometimes forget I am even pregnant! We are definitely looking forward to our next ultrasound which should be in the next month or so. Oh, and we got a new due date based on our dating ultrasound. Our new due date is April 9th which is about a week behind what the doc originally thought (but what I already knew) hence why there has been a two week wait for this blog post as my body was catching up!

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